Inappropriate Elimination in Pets in Franklin, TN

Cats and dogs may exhibit inappropriate elimination and house soiling for a variety of reasons.

Common causes for cats to urinate outside of the litter box are stress-induced, development of feline idiopathic cystitis (inflammation of the bladder without infection), and least likely a urinary tract infection. Recommendations for things to try at home to avoid inappropriate elimination include: adding more litter boxes (one for every cat in the house + an extra), ensuring there are several water sources available such as normal bowls or a fountain, and using pheromone diffusers such as Feliway at home to help with anxiety and stress. If you are concerned that your cat is continuing to eliminate outside of the litter box, schedule an appointment for us to run diagnostics and discuss other medication options if needed.

Dogs may urinate inside the house as well and is usually caused by a urinary tract infection or behavioral causes. It is best that your dog is brought in for an exam and urinalysis to better identify the cause as they are more prone to infections than cats.

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Animal Ark Animal Hospital offers exceptional, quality pet care with a highly skilled and compassionate staff who understands what a pet means to you and your family.